Dearest Crush Readers:
I hope that you are having a wonderful week end! This week we (the PrimeCrush team) were doing a little back-end work on our site that bumped into the release of a major version upgrade by the host of our site.* The long and short of it is that we are working through some technology things and The Crush Letter will be back next week!
*We use GHOST's publishing editor for our website and newsletter, which is in beta version, and this week releases a major new 4.0 version.
Here's something to keep us going. Through this week, but more importantly, through what has been a long, tough, isolating period that has felt at times like it may be never-ending. To remind us that we will all have our friends and extended family again, and the things we love to do together. Sunday suppers, movies, the theater, jazz shows, book clubs, poker, HACK-a-thons (does anybody actually miss those?), sporting events, live concerts.
Our realization of how much we need these heart-satiating reasons to gather – and each other – is more profound than ever. When it comes, let's cherish the day.
Who better to get us rolling than Sade in this electric, energizing live performance from 2011.
(Hat Tip goes to the twitter feed of PrimeCrush friend @stevenkane "Entrepreneur. Investor. Gadfly. Haiku-ist." Author of F*** It. Get A Divorce: The Guide For Optimists. And I might add, thinker, provocateur and avid concert-goer.)
CALL OUT FOR SUBMISSIONS. We are talking to cartoonists; relationship experts; BDSM authors; music, restaurant and sex toy reviewers; and other writers interested in all things love and connection (friendship, romance, self-love, sex) (e.g., who, how, where) about publishing their views and stories with PrimeCrush. Got something? (An original piece or a link to an article/book/podcast/youtube, etc. the Dish might add to her curated feed?) Know someone who does? Fly us to the moon. Reach out to Dish at dish@primecrush.com.
The Crush Letter
The Crush Letter is a weekly newsletter from the Dish curating intelligence & stories on all things love & connection - friendship, romance, self-love, sex. If you’d like to take a look at some of our best stories go to Read Us.