Foria, the same company that brought us the arousal oil Awaken that PrimeCrush Toy Testers reviewed (and loved) in a previous CRUSH Letter, has shared a definitive guide for the considerate sexter.
Text Dirty To Me: A Sexting Guide, covers all the introductory bases it should, from establishing expectations and consent to checking in, and then goes beyond. We were going to write a sexting 101 from scratch for you, but when we saw that Foria had already done a great job, well why would we have to (and we love their sex oils - no affiliate link there, CRUSH Readers, we just love their sex oils). Sexting is like improv, they say, it's a collab where the first rule of thumb is to take what your partner gives, build on it then volley it back. They had me at "improv," frankly, but then they threw in one of the first erotic novels I read in my 20’s as an example of really good "buildup.” It's Vox, by Nicholson Baker, and we've included a review of that novel written by Christian Pan of Panerotica, below. Some of us might think we don't have all day to build things up, like the characters do in Vox, but the fine folks at Foria have me considering whether today might be the day to give it a try.
For your sexting 101 read this:

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The Crush Letter
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