Here are some of the splendid men of style and substance I follow on social media who I think you'll be better off spending some time with, too.

Chuck Pollard starts almost all of his reels with a happy-feeling "Hey everybody, hope you're all well!" He then moves into a brief and celebratory explanation of what he's wearing that day – why he has paired this particular tie with that particular suit and shirt. He is the Founder of SARTO, a quarterly publication that explores the habits and habitats of refined gentlemen. He is joyful because he loves to "turn it out," as he says. Which to him often means a kipper tie, which I've learned since following Pollard is a style of tie that was fashionable in Britain in the mid-60's to 70's and is known for being colorful and wide. Pollard is a proponent of dressing "for yourself" and dressing conscientiously – deciding the face you want to show the world. The face he chooses to show the world is friendly, warm, cheerful, beautiful and civilized. He is sophistication wrapped in warmth and good wishes.

George Hahn reminds me of a modern day Dean Martin, known in his day as "The King of Cool." Hahn refers to himself as a "humorist, urbanist, satirist [and] sartorialist." He is as much a true New Yorker as Fran Lebowitz, and his version is just as opinionated and sardonic. Also culturally in tune, stylistically sharp and very, very handsome. Hahn has a minimalist clean-cut look that, combined with his "I'm not impressed" attitude, reads ever-so-slightly edgy. He is as sharp as he is good-looking, and on Instagram, Hahn drops witticisms and observations as he walks his beloved dog (and us) through Central Park. On his blog he drops all the tips you need for a well-considered lifestyle, everything from his skincare routine (thank god, because his skin radiates) to the components of a perfect pea coat (one of his favorite designs in the history of men's wear – "a distinctly masculine garment") to his coffee method of choice (Chemex, of course).
In a recent piece "The Post-Smoking Weight Gain Is Real" he writes of his slight weight gain: "This is the obvious result of falling off the fitness wagon and eating a lot of feelings instead of smoking them over the last year." I'm a pretty close follower of Hahn's and I hadn't realized he smoked (though I can easily picture him with a Dunhill). I can only say, "George, thanks for quitting." I, for one want to follow you around Central Park for a very long time.

Our very own Crush Reader Mike Troiano favors a casual, handsome, rugged look with straightforward tailoring, classic chunky glasses, and precisely selected watches. Everything in his look adds up to I'm a “solid, cerebral, outdoorsy family guy with good taste and a soft side.” Hell, yes. There is nothing showy in Mike’s attire, but in 2022 he started to regularly rock a trucker’s hat with his tailored shirts and turtlenecks to add some forward-leaning fashion sense. And oh boy, on Mike it works.
When you’re not checking out his watch collection, you may want to pick up tips on making steak chili, bolognese or Zuppa di Farro.
Mike shared his recipe for Bad Girl’s Pasta with us in a previous Crush Letter:

Got a guy you follow on social media that my life would be better for knowing about? Write me! Dish@PrimeCrush.com

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The Crush Letter
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