Hi! I'm Dish, the Master of Ceremonies at PrimeCrush. I devour a lot about love & midlife+ and I'm sharing the best of what I find with you.
Dish is a nickname an ex used that stuck. As in, "What is the Dish hungry for tonight?" and "You're my favorite dish, Dish." Ravenous appetite, that one. I dated him for a few very big years after my late husband died (at 41 yo. WTF, right?). Our breakup and the "box of darkness that followed" was just what I needed. "It took me years to understand that this too, was a gift." (Quotes from Mary Oliver's The Uses of Sorrow.) It turned up the heat on my healing. (Healing journey. It's a trip.) I began to see that midlife starts a period of profound transition for everyone (cancer/death, divorce, job moves and geographic moves, kids flying the coop, dating, break-ups). Seismic shifts. Not just who and how, but often the very structures of our lives and relationships. I began to ask: When you're no longer getting your thrill from building (a family, a career, a house, status), what makes you high? I believe it's when you focus more on your "lateral" relationships - friendships, partners. Love is the drug. It's exciting as well as complicated, this stage.
I am not a professional sex or relationship expert, but rather an open-hearted disciple, student, listener and voyeur. While I'm certain that relational intelligence should be more of a conscious practice of daily life, I am still as confused as anyone by the chaotic unfolding of love of every kind. I'm working through that with The Crush Letter, by sharing the best of what I find and we create together. I am grateful that joined us.
The Crush Letter is a free weekly newsletter on everything friendship, love, sex and marriage starting in midlife. If The Crush Letter were live, we'd be at a cabaret. I’d be ushering onstage a titillating and oscillating roster of diverse performers - eye-opening, poignant, underground(ish), hopefully funny. I'd invite you to come to the cabaret. Take your seat. Behold the carnival of love in all its prosaic ordinariness and poetic glory. My hope is that the show will usher in a life with more, better love in it. Of course, that may require a shift in our understanding of what love at this stage is. If the show is really on fire, you'll nudge a little closer to whomever you’ve come with. Or if you're here solo, perhaps closer to somebody new? Or not. After all, life is a cabaret!
X-Oh, X-Oh!

The Crush Letter
The Crush Letter is a weekly newsletter from Dish Stanley curating articles & intelligence on everything love & connection - friendship, romance, self-love, sex. If you’d like to take a look at some of our best stories go to Read Us. Want the Dish?