I'm Dish and I write a weekly newsletter about friendship, love and sex in midlife. Because midlife is so much hotter than they said it would be. Hell yes, sign me up for the Dish.
Hello Crush,
We’re taking the holiday weekend off, but I came across this quote:

My most fervent hope for our country is that we can somehow come together – so I share that in the spirit of the week end. It is when things have felt the most far off in my own life yet I continued to believe that we were able to grope to a solution.

The Crush Letter No 69 Is Coming.
In case you missed last week’s CRUSH Letter and didn't catch my introduction about how excited I am about our upcoming 69th Letter, here it is (again):
Our next Letter, on Saturday, July 9th, will be The Crush Letter No 69. That got me thinking about the first person I ever tried a 69 sex position with. "Peter" was a hot, sweet lanky 6’4” and I was 5’7” then (5’6.5” now — yeah, shit, I’m getting shorter). Maybe it was the height differential, maybe it was just that we were awkward college kids in a small dorm with bad soundproofing or just inexperienced at sex, but somehow we couldn’t get the geometry to work for the 69.
Another lover much closer in height and later in life, "Steven," took a firm stance against the ‘69’ position. Way too much going on, he said. “How can I really fully intentionally give when I’m supposed to be really fully intentionally getting at the same time." Well-argued, I thought.
And it made me wonder. Who does the 69 position work for, and who does it decidedly not? So to celebrate our upcoming 69th Letter I’d like to know your feelings and experiences with the 69. Please, please, please share your brief thoughts (by all means anonymously) here.
In the responses we've received to the poll so far we are saying some pretty heated feelings going both ways (see what I did there?) but we'd love to hear from you. Perhaps this is the first poll ever taken on how those over 45 honestly feel about the 69. Perhaps the greatest thing about being "our age" is that we really know what we like and we are comfortable copping to it.
So let us know - take our poll, please!

Okay my dearest Crushes, let's summer.
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